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The Moscow Rostovs have many estates, but never enough cash. Old Prince Bolkonsky, Nikolai Andreevich, served as a general under Catherine the Great, in earlier wars. The Bolkonskys are an old established and wealthy family based at Bald Hills. The Bezukhovs, while very rich, are a fragmented family as the old Count, Kirill Vladimirovich, has fathered dozens of illegitimate sons. War and Peace tells the story of five aristocratic families - the Bezukhovs, the Bolkonskys, the Rostovs, the Kuragins and the Drubetskoys-and the entanglements of their personal lives with the history of 1805–1813, principally Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812. In the novel, his mother, Marya Feodorovna, is the most powerful woman in the Russian court.

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Catherine's grandson, Alexander I, came to the throne in 1801 at the age of 24. This historical and cultural context in the aristocracy is reflected in War and Peace. For the next one hundred years, it became a social requirement for members of the Russian nobility to speak French and understand French culture. Catherine, fluent in French and wishing to reshape Russia into a great European nation, made French the language of her royal court. The era of Catherine the Great (1762–1796), when the royal court in Paris was the centre of western European civilization, is still fresh in the minds of older people. The novel begins in the year 1805 during the reign of Tsar Alexander I and leads up to the 1812 French invasion of Russia by Napoleon. War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events surrounding the French invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.

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