
Steam link on google tv
Steam link on google tv

steam link on google tv

Valve dominates the digital marketplace on PCs, and a partnership with Samsung, the recently troubled but still dominant electronics maker, gives the company another leg up over any competition. The functionality also makes sense when you consider how common it is to find other streaming services embedded into new TVs, like Netflix and Hulu. There’s the official Steam Controller, but others work through USB it’s unclear if that functionality will be included with the new smart TVs.Īlthough Steam Link is a cheap alternative to the Steam Machine, Valve’s bigger and pricier streaming apparatus, eliminating the need for the external box at all could prove appetizing to big PC gamers. There are few other details available beyond that, including when to expect these to go on sale, but it’s enough to give Steam-loving, potential new TV buyers a reason to hold off.Īnyone hoping to stream some Steam off their TV will still need to provide their own controller, for which they have a few options.

steam link on google tv

SteamSpy) and developer Dave Oshry, who was in attendance at the developer-only event.

steam link on google tv

Valve is partnering with Samsung to make Steam Link capabilities available straight from the manufacturer’s upcoming TVs, according to tweets from Sergey Galyonkin (a.k.a. But during a Steam Dev Days presentation yesterday, the company announced it was doing streamers one better: by integrating the technology directly into new smart televisions. Steam Link, Valve’s adorable, $50 set-top box, is currently the easiest way to stream games from the platform straight to a TV.

Steam link on google tv